Saràh Phenom's Heartbreak Tales - Chapter 1 (Live Session)

Chapter 1: Come Back to me (Mashup)

Once upon a time a tender hearted Phenom named Saràh resided in a Verner Panton fantasy landscape.
She had been smitten by a far away gentleman with whom she’d exchanged very often.
But when it came to finally meet up, time never seemed to be on their side.
As her feelings for one kept evolving, the only way she found to express her frustration was by singing her little heart out.
In this medley, the second part expresses the the feeling of wanting to rewrite history after outgrowing a situation that you’re still tempted to be a part of because you’re essentially scared to be alone.

The genesis piece of a visual tryptic that accompanies the soundtrack of the also three part ‘Phenom Heartbreak Tales’ Pre-EP by Saràh Phenom.