
  1. The success of others makes you a loser.

  1. The beauty of others makes you uglier, and their achievements overshadow your results.

  1. Focus on the bad, no one is unique, and everyone has the same potential. You're just a fool.

  1. Are you struggling right now? This post is a sign that the tough times haven’t even begun, and things are about to get a lot worse.

  1. You've been working toward your goal for a year and still don’t see results? Bro, calm down, it’s just not for you.

  1. The opinion of others matters most — always doubt yourself.

  1. Whatever you do, people will find flaws, and they will be right.

  1. Stop finding pleasure in difficult things. Hard work, a long run, a cold shower — it's all complete nonsense.

  1. If your dream can be bought with money, then your dream is total crap.
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