Industry Ensurance: Oil & Gas | Energy Sector

Industry Ensurance: Oil & Gas | Energy Sector

The oil and gas industry heavily relies on nature and is susceptible to climate and nature-related risks. Clean air is essential for operational safety and worker health. Clean water is crucial for various processes such as refining, while abundant water resources support the industry's extensive water needs. Healthy soils are important for maintaining the integrity of pipeline installations and access roads. Climate stability ensures predictable operational conditions and supply chain efficiency. Risk resilience enables the industry to adapt to climate change impacts. Erosion control helps preserve the landscapes around extraction sites and infrastructure, preventing land degradation and promoting sustainable operations.

Certificates of Ensurance, by BASIN, mitigate these risks and enhance resilience. Each certificate represents a share in the BASIN Protocol, which secures the RealValue of Natural Capital for the long term.

Purchasing these certificates funds 14 stocks (ecosystems) and nine flows (ecosystem services) of natural capital. Proceeds directly support on-the-ground nature and climate projects that bolster the oil and gas industry.
