
GM Farcaster Live at ETH Denver with @dawufi @br1an @matthew and @toadyhawk

GM Farcaster Live at ETH Denver with @dawufi @br1an @matthew and @toadyhawk

aka - Liquid Death and a biscuit

Show Notes

@dawufi on Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/dawufi
/wufs: https://warpcast.com/~/channel/wufs
Airstack: https://www.airstack.xyz/

@br1an on Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/br1an.eth
@unlonely on Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/unlonely
Unlonely: https://www.unlonely.app/

@matthew on Facaster: https://warpcast.com/matthew
@event on Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/event
Events: https://events.xyz/

@ToadyHawk on Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/toadyhawk.eth
@thenounsquare on Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/thenounsquare
/yellow: https://warpcast.com/~/channel/yellow
The Noun Square: https://tns.wtf/
Big Shot Toy Works: https://bigshottoyshop.com/collections/nouns

PS: this was not actually sponsored by Liquid Death – but eth Denver itself was. All sponsorship quips are a joke. BUT Liquid Death – our dm’s are open!

And our musings elsewhere:

Learn more about sponsoring GM Farcaster:
About: https://paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/an-invitation-to-sponsor-gm-farcaster
Interest Form: https://app.deform.cc/form/bbd8c3b1-a67b-45c9-a568-39c6f38ec14a/

Adrienne: Some of the Things: Toilets, Shadows, and Tip Jars

FC Scenius Lexicon project:

And Adrienne’s Podcast – Four Old College Friends:

Nounish Prof: Unpacking with Prof: https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof

GM Farcaster weekly recap for last week:

AND www.gmfarcaster.com is live along with a new GM Farcaster FAQ: https://paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/gm-farcaster-faq

AND GM Farcaster is now available everywhere you get your podcasts including YouTube, Apple podcasts and Spotify!

Copyright 2024 cc-by GM Farcaster - reuse/remix allowed with attribution and link back to GMFarcaster.com.