In June 2011, Mt. Gox reported that 25,000 Bitcoins (worth around $400,000 at the time) had been stolen from 478 user accounts. This was just the beginning of the exchange's troubles. Later that year, a hacker allegedly used credentials from a Mt. Gox auditor's compromised computer to transfer a large number of Bitcoins illegally to themselves, causing the nominal price of a Bitcoin to plummet to one cent on the exchange.

The most devastating blow came in February 2014, when Mt. Gox suddenly suspended withdrawals, citing "suspicious activity" in its digital wallets. It was later revealed that 850,000 Bitcoin, estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, had disappeared from the exchange. This led to Mt. Gox's bankruptcy filing, and a directive to liquidate the company to repay creditors.

Until this moment, the hacker's wallet containing a big fraction of lost Bitcoins worth billions of dollars is still untouched.

Who knows what's gonna happen next?