This here is a last-thing-before-bed, thought-capture regarding...
the fact that I've stopped performing...
cuz I don't like ??? it?? or rehearsing?
Alvin pointed out today.. maybe its the repertoire I'm bored of…
and/but perhaps also...
I can be my own Marc Rebillet… w vox
and have each and every performance be a fresh and new experience FOR. ME.
Cuz I matter.
And my satisfaction and passion matters.
Then I could get the audience to write secret letters about their own lives and stories
And I can pick them out of a hat
And create songs with them , with the homies, the band, on the spot.
Improvisation is where the magic comes from.
It’s the present moment.
It’s the channel from God.
(this delicious bowl of szechuan yam noodles was one Lerál, Becca and I shared earlier the night that I discuss in this voice note. turned my lips to velvet. Only pic I have of the nite.)