Arjan's guiding ideas

Inspired by the Believe In Something prompt, a poem made of 5 tritriplicatas, with each speaking of a guiding idea:

We are kind.
We love art.
We respect others.
We build together.
We offer help.

Full poem:

You look nice
today, send your loved-ones
our regards. We hold your hand and we
have hugs when wanted, 'cause
we are kind.

paintings, photography.
Sculptures, pixels, food. Which medium
you choose to create?
We love art.

You have your
ways, opinions and likes.
Please share them so we can learn about
you, and you about us.
We respect.

You can go
a long way alone, but
the journey is so much much more fun with
others. That's why we build

Do you need
a hug, a hand, a word?
Is there a way we can make your day
better than it is now?
We will help.