Creatress (Sarai Mora) created this abstract sculpture during a mixed reality performance on July 2, 2024 in Austin, Texas. The energy of gratitude is one of the inspirations for this artwork, as Creatress believes that the frequency of gratitude is one of the most comforting and healthy to be in.

The creation of this sculpture was supported by a small grant from the Artist's Program Round 4, a program funded by through the Nouns DAO and by the host of the event Skip's Deli. As promised in Creatress' proposal for the Artist's Program, the primary colors which are included in the AP logo, served also as the color palette inspiration for this sculpture.

"GRATITUDE X CREATRESS" was made in virtual and mixed reality using the Meta Quest Pro and Gravity Sketch 3D sculpting app made for VR.

Please collect this token in the spirit of gratitude and gift it to others who you feel gratitude for!