
Based Editor

Dedicated to @traf and @DisplayDriver for their Based Punks collection.

Please read the description!

This editor is for creation only. Images created here will not automatically appear in your digital wallet or be stored as NFTs.

To access the color palette, move your mouse to the bottom of the window, below the white squares of the editor, and it will appear. Right-click on a color in the palette or on the canvas to select it, and left-click on the canvas to apply it.

Go to the menu and hover the "Reset" a list of preset appears. From all white to alien, choose what you want to start from.

Click the down arrow button to save your artwork. A pop-up will appear with your art's data in text form. Copy this text and paste it into a text editor, then save the file with a .txt extension.

To load your artwork, use the up arrow button to select and open a previously saved .txt file containing your art data.

To replicate artwork, use the image button to load an original .png file directly from the collection. Ensure you're using the original media by downloading the image via the "View Original File" button on the top right of the NFT's page on OpenSea.

Please, share your work and tag me, I want to see it!