A Dream Come True ✨

A Dream Come True ✨

Witnessing the Aurora Borealis was a dream of mine for as long as I could remember.

Living in southern Canada, it is an extremely rare occurrence for the Aurora to appear, especially in Toronto, where the light pollution makes it impossible. I always dreamed of travelling north and being lucky enough to witness this incredible natural phenomenon.

A few weeks ago, I travelled to Jasper, one of Canada's largest dark sky preserves.

As luck would have it, I was camping with a panoramic view of the mountains at the same time that the Earth was struck by the greatest solar storm in 20 years.

What are the odds that I was in one of the darkest places in the world, at the same time the Earth was hit with the solar storm of the millennia, with perfectly clear skies?

My mind was absolutely blown as I looked every direction, watching the swirling colours as the sky was painted with an ever-changing rainbow of photons energized by the sun 🌈

It was a dream come true ✨