Extinction Level Event

📷 Photo Documented in November of 2015 in Tampa Bay, FL by Dutch


You ever wondered what would have been soundtrack to an asteroid traveling through space, breaching earths atmosphere and traveling through the sky before making impact on land around 66 million years ago?

I have, the day I visited my neighbors house down the street to have him look at my malfunctioning tomos mo-ped... I caught this T-rex chilling out of the corner of my eye and pivoted to an awkward and uncomfortable position to capture that moment haha. Later that day, while working on my (at the time) upcoming album "Traversal" I remember the homie Scott Xylo sent me drums for a collab. 9 times out of 10, I'm usually gonna just mangle and chop a sample but this time, I couldn't get the thought of how life on earth, including the dinosaurs must have felt seeing a giant asteroid pummeling towards them. I wanted to attempt to capture how the soundtrack for that process would have sounded which meant, no samples... I just had to play what I felt...

🔗"Entry, descent & landing" - Produced by Dutchyyy & Scott Xylo 🔗

At the last minute, I cut the track from the original digital release of Traversal, which released 12.31.15 and a few months later decided to post in Soundcloud.

It wasn't until Grand Garden Records approached me to release the Cassette version of "Traversal" that I decided, I could finally re-sequence this album in the way I intended to be heard. So I pulled tracks from digital version off the album, and added a few tracks to the cassette version including this one.

You can listen to the full Cassette Version as well select tracks from digital version all with extensive backstories about each track below:

🔗TRAVERSAL -1/1's on Catalog Works 🔗