As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.

We are so much more than the physical. The probability that we are perceiving and seeing all of reality is zero. Our souls are invisibly infinite. Even an atom is mostly empty space. You can see why at times we feel empty inside.

When you embrace this and “empty your cup “, then you will be free.

We are water, and a symphony of energy can be conjured up from channeling our perspective towards cleansing our hearts and refining our intention.

Remember, your life is what you make of it.

You are the artist, curator, designer, builder and programmer of your reality.

Collect Kevin Genido’s NFTs to unlock access to limited edition physicals fulfilled by NPC LABS:

Reflection Internal*
PNG 3072 x 4096
Mixed Media
Pen on paper, digital, AI, ROugE/0xtjo

12x16 Framed Artist Matte Prints, manufactured by NPC Labs.

Matte Finish
10.3 mil Thickness
94% Opacity
104 ISO Brightness
110 yr. Permanence Rating*

Unrevealed unique 1/1 physical sneakers, designed and hand inscribed by the artist awarded to the collector with the most editions at Mint close.
Rare On Chain Summer - Island Sandal physicals for the first 3 and the last 3 minters.

48% of the proceeds will go to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund.

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