
This is my first experiment with the Suno AI music creation tool. Thanks for the feedback.
Text by Anatcrypto & Bullish.

First deposit—a tuition fee, indeed,
Step not lingering into the second year of greed.
To continue your crypto quest, remember clear,
The magic word is 'airdrop', ever so dear.

Farming accounts, minting attacks,
Farmed bags of digital stacks.
Talk about blockchains? Skip,
Top crypto tech is the flip!

Farming accounts, minting attacks,
Farmed bags of digital stacks.
Ship those blue chips to the hamster crew,
Top crypto tech is the flip, it's true!

Verse 5:
You pumped rights? I pumped Gaias high,
You looked for entry points? I looted a million Degen by.
You’ve got a base in Dota; I have a Farcaster’s Base,
You watch cartoons at work; I create the Nouns chase.

Verse 6:
Commentators missing drops, angry, crypto betrays,
In chats, they shout, 'drops are all a haze!'
Not a Nastya, no a Runner, not a Sidd,
Just a simple fool, caught in the mob.

As time passes, behold the swans align—
Another drop, top memes in the cup combine.
To all predicting 'this is your last drop',
We elevate in rank: Proven Foolish Top.

Could've been like us, a Base abuser,
A frame pioneer, early OG user.
Don’t tell me about drops, just show,
How many Zora mints you've stacked, then I'll know.

We’ve an innovative, deflationary,
Multi-million investment sanctuary.
Securities? No, we talk Web3 and meme coins,
Raised a hundred million for blockchain joins.

Farming accounts, minting attacks,
Farmed bags of digital stacks.
Talk about blockchains? Skip,
Top crypto tech is the flip!

Farming accounts, minting attacks,
Farmed bags of digital stacks.
Ship those blue chips to the hamster crew,
Top crypto tech is the flip, it's true!