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In The Screen I Am Everything

"In the Screen I Am Everything" introduces Ellie Pritts’ recursive practice of working with technology in iterative stages. The exhibition presents new works that combine analog video, glitch aesthetics, self-portraiture, and AI-collaborative imagery.

This collection acts as a through line of Pritts’ recurrent technique of integrating her own video and photos with advancing AI systems. Citing an intense curiosity surrounding evolving technology and its impact on the creative process, Pritts moves between virtual and physical space with an electrifying similitude that invites the viewer to glimpse into her interior world.

The colors and imagery within this exhibition stem from Pritts’ own experiences of synesthesia and offer a liminal, technicolor universe where both daydreams and reality occur. Each video explores a mystical study on the divine feminine through a lens of mindfulness and androgyny. While she challenges herself to a broader self-understanding, Pritts hopes to inspire viewers to try on an expansive mindset.

"In the Screen I Am Everything" is on exhibition at bitforms gallery NYC from June 29 through August 5, 2023.