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The Empress - Rin

The Empress by LightenBee

Name: Rin
Race: human
Personality: courageous, reliable, sincere, sensitive
Flaws: egotistical

Depiction: The Empress sits on a throne wearing a starry crown, holding a scepter in one hand. The scepter is representative of her power over life, her crown has twelve stars representing her dominance over the year, and her throne is in the midst of a field of grain, representative of her dominion over growing things.
Meaning: The Empress is traditionally associated with maternal influence, it is the card if you are hoping to start a family. She can represent the creation of life, romance, art, or new business.
Upright card (keywords): A new opportunity, Abundance, Maternal care, Nurturing, Pregnancy, Stability
Reversed card (keywords): Domestic problems, Financial issues, Stagnation, Unwanted pregnancy