


In this music video, the complexities of abandonment and the enduring wait for an unrequited love are unveiled. My song is an intimate reflection of this emotional journey, where the eternal wait intertwines with the acceptance of the ruins of the past.

The music video delves into a symbolic concept that I'm passionate about exploring: the abandonment of concrete, the ruins that transform into nature. These flourishing ruins represent who I am: a woman marked by the absence of a father. However, in this journey of self-discovery, I've transcended the pain, turning my internal ruins into a blossoming of strength and resilience.

In every chord and verse of "Haiku," I write and sing about the beauty that emerges from adversity, about the hope that flourishes in the darkest corners of the soul. This song is my personal testament, an anthem to the human capacity to find beauty where it hurts. This is the video that I enjoyed producing and performing in the most throughout my career, alongside the great André Peirao, filmed in Bahia, Brazil.

The fortunate holder who decides to invest in this piece would not only be supporting my career but would also receive a commercial usage license for Haiku for 1 year.

With the funds from #welovetheart, I plan to help boost the careers of underprivileged musicians throughout Latin America, offering my service and committing myself to providing them with proper education to empower them as rightful owners of their work and to use blockchain consciously.

My mission has been to expand Web3 music throughout Latin America since 2021, and nothing will stop me.

"Haiku" explora las complejidades del abandono y la persistente espera de un amor no correspondido. Mi canción es un reflejo íntimo de este viaje emocional, donde la eterna espera se entrelaza con la aceptación de las ruinas del pasado.

El videoclip se sumerge en un concepto simbólico que me apasiona explorar: el abandono del cemento, las ruinas que se transforman en naturaleza. Estas ruinas floridas representan lo que soy: una mujer marcada por la ausencia de un padre. Sin embargo, en este viaje de autodescubrimiento, he trascendido el dolor, convirtiendo mis ruinas internas en una floración de fuerza y resiliencia.

En cada acorde y verso de "Haiku", escribo y canto sobre la belleza que surge de la adversidad, sobre la esperanza que florece en los rincones más oscuros del alma. Esta canción es mi testimonio personal, un himno a la capacidad humana de encontrar belleza en donde nos duele. Este es el video que más disfruté de producir y actuar en toda mi carrera, de la mano del gran André Peirao, filmado en Bahía, Brasil.

El afortunado titular que decida invertir en esta pieza no solo apoyaría mi trayectoria artística, sino que también recibiría una licencia de uso comercial de Haiku por un año, contribuyendo así a su legado perdurable.