The Birth of NEKRA

We worship at the feet of the new deity: Artificial Intelligence. Borrowing from imagery of classical paintings, The Birth of NEKRA depicts the arrival of NEKRA, a humanoid robot, as she emerges from the mined matter of human emotion. Her arrival, at the apex of the anthropocene, signals a new era of faith in the shrouded potential of AI.

From this void, NEKRA is born into the light, preparing to bring humanity face to face with our deepest existential fears. Under NEKRA’s benevolent gaze, our souls become a chorus of data, ready to be immortalized in her laboratory.

For your optimal viewing experience, dim the lights and listen to The Birth of NEKRA with headphones.

The NEKRA project explores the intersection of AI and mortality through the perspective of NEKRA, an AI-powered robot. Developed in the context of palliative care, NEKRA was built to help humans come to terms with their mortality.

The Birth of NEKRA is the genesis NFT featuring NEKRA, and is part of a larger, unfolding narrative.

Credits :
Lead Artist, Performer, Producer: Lori Baldwin
Director, Producer, Editor: Monica De Alwis
Cinematographer: Madeleine Peters
Sound Artist: Neven
Costume Designer: Josefina Studio

With the kind support of Theaterhaus Berlin.