
Phobia as a lifesaver

I dreamed that I was in a lagoon of black water. While swimming the water begins to thicken and its color turns black. The water is so thick that I can't move anymore. Suddenly sticks begin to come out of it, they are connected by spider webs. On them are giant spiders, weaving their webs. As I watch his work, the black water begins to swallow me. Even if I swim, I can't get out of it. A spider approaches me and tells me, if you grab one of my webs you will be able to get out. The terror, the fear, the phobia. What generated rejection in me was now my way out, my salvation. I grabbed the fabric to avoid sinking into the black sea. The spider approached me and told me "what you avoid is out of fear. But even with fear, you are able to act and sustain yourself."
What fear stops you?
What are you stopping doing because of fear?