
満月Mangetsu 2024

‘’Operating with his guides, the hidden guides of the invisible layers
For the perfomance “あなたは私が誰だったのかさえ知りません)”,
藤岡 Fujioka used mineral materials - such as salt, stones -, vegetables - such as rue, straw, bananas - and flammable materials - such as matches and incense - to incrust the floor and space/ atmosphere of the exhibition environment inscriptions signs, codes - sometimes legible, sometimes neologisms, sometimes inciting new writings and legibility - that refer to his syncretic religious/ritualistic practice that merges African and Asian ancestry to build his own feeling of Brazil’’

Presented on Chapter 1: Parallel Biome Hypothesis - S..E.E.D. Genesis Event.

FIlmed and Edited by Gabriel KÖI

João Fujioka