

While in the process of creating this piece, my initial intention was singular, but upon reaching its completion, I found myself overwhelmed with a myriad of significances. It made me realize the multitude of facets of myself that I could see reflected within it. Yet, the underlying purpose remained unchanged. Through “Saudade” I aimed to create a piece that encourages the appreciation of individuality.

The man portrayed in the artwork has lived a life marked by sorrow and pain. Not because it was predetermined, but because he chose it. He sought to conform to societal expectations, yearning to fit in and be like and liked by others. However, in doing so, he sacrificed his own happiness and success, opting for sorrow over joy and defeat over triumph. While conformity may seem like the path to contentment, it is a fleeting illusion, one that fails to satisfy the soul.

My hope is that this piece serves as a poignant reminder for both myself and others. May it prompt us to embrace our uniqueness and authenticity, allowing ourselves to be who and what we truly are. May it inspire us to take control of our own narratives, becoming the authors of our stories rather than mere characters within them. May it serve as a poignant reminder to:

“Embrace your uniqueness, for in trying to conform, you risk defeat. To deny your true self is to surrender to a life of discontent.”

Otherwise, we risk embodying the essence of “Saudade” ourselves...🌹