
365 Days of Opepen

This collection, "365 Days of Opepen," showcases 365 distinct remixes of the iconic Opepen symbol, created by various artists who shared their work on Twitter. Each day, a unique artwork was selected and featured as the "Art of Day" on the @evverydays Twitter account for an entire year. This collage provides an overview of the creativity and diversity found in these daily remixes, highlighting the collaborative spirit and artistic innovation within the Visualize Value community.

Artist featured (twitter handles): chidz, 0ND1, bsprouts, EM0JI, xxes, 0x000G, 0x1723, 0xAg3nt, 0xCarletto, 0xCHXNL, 0xCypherPhunk, 0xdgp, 0xDnifty, 0xdownshift, 0xHarsheth, 0xjustme_eth, 0xkwydk, 0xMikeThree, 0xMPF, 0xMr_G, 0xvox0, aaraalto, adamsmoot, AfzalAex, Akwaves, AlbernGee, amber_vittoria, ansia_art, ArtonBlockchain, Astro__AI, AswangNFT, atleastwedream, avsingh_eth, AxelWyart, B0necast, bagelmannn, basedneo, basepaint_xyz, batzdu, BB88888888888BB, beam_easy, beeple, benzistudio, BillyNFTees, bookofbee, Bored_Opepen, botfrula, bryanbrinkman, bunya_eth, byzeen_eth, C0MPUTERBL00D, cadmonkxy, capps_artifex, cappslokk, cexaline, claire_salvo, Clearing, cryptocana, Damian_Kidd, dangiuz, Darkfarms1, davidniccum, Degen_Alife, Degenrate_GEn, degenpain, djkero, drrrrck, dutchtide, dvstns, EdMcKenway, eissakilo, Elisprii, emmitt_art, esoz_xyz, evbuilds, falsehigh, FarmerGeppetto, filter8_tez, FreedomToType, futuresamy, fvckrender, gatomotto, Ghost_Z12, gillesdc, gmhuntergm, gruffishere, Grusoome, Hans__AI, haydclay, heavyalien_nft, hellakozi, HughMungusFinch, iamcfw, ianbydesign, Into_Roblivion, J0N45, jackbutcher, jaczaze, jalil_eth, jamesrichardfry, JedRhose, jesusdoteth, jhekub, jitterypixel, julzynft, Just_vixenn, KenFt77, kongonongo, KordylasShannon, JM_Nausi, kyokill, lad1699, lifeofc, LikeLewis, liquidmarbles, Lors_eth, lphaCentauriKid, lukeweaver_eth, LumaleArt, lunchbox_io, madrasterize, mark_c_web_3, marka_eth, Marnxie, maartbiemans, mattob_eth, mbransn, mbstuart, mechsicko, MisterPente, mutantaping, nadav_rotem, NONE32X32, OfficialCrip, olivercho, onarici_nft, onedot6one8, ooo000ooo, OxFluke, PaiNishant, palate_tm, paschamo, patrdoy, perkwerk, PeterSedlacik, piv_piv, pixeldreams_art, Professor3972, Plotemy3, Pom2089, poont4ng, poorweb, PratykaArya, pudgypenguins, PufferUpDoodle, rakshaNFT, rarefonte, reximusprimus, rgboob, Rhmanoff, ripe0x, rodritoh89, rosdejade_eth, rotter_daniel, rsutnfteth, SageArchi, sarah_script, satoshimilk, scapes_xyz, schmrypto, sebaudet26, seeligwork, SeiyaFx, shelton77_eth, SlabberDan, sleepygang_eth, spacecowboy_eth, specificobj, Spvce, studiostrauss, sunndayzsoon, sweepingfloors_ tamrrat, Tequilawaifuu2, textrnr, TheArtofWarren, thehejz, thekrazzybam, TheOnlyCakeOne, TheWhoove, thrive42, TimpersHD, timso_eth, toadswiback, traf, trappistm0nk, truedrewco, veltoss, victojoy1, Vince_Van_Dough, VinnieHager, vishakhariharan, visual_zare, visualizevalue, WhatTheLJW, WhereissOgB0N, wicklow_, wisstbescheid, yougogirl_eth, youngandsick, youngberz, Zacc0_Finch, Zackery_Fincher, zylageth
