reinterpretation of The Scream, by Edvard Munch (1893) 😱 from the series SQUARE PIXELS ARE SO OLD-FASHIONED. I'm exploring different ways of representing pixels. In this case, I randomly redraw each point of the image using three exclamation marks (!!!) instead of square pixels. The process is done in Java programming code in Processing. The exclamation point emphasizes various emotions in texts. Here it is printed on the screen in sets of three, which decrease in size as time passes. A pixel is the smallest point in a digital image. The name comes from the combination of the beginning of the words PICture and ELement, in English. Each small point displays a color and, in harmony with other pixels around it, forms representations through colors, shapes, textures and movements that allow us to see beyond where our eyes can see. But what if pixels had other shapes besides squares?