Through scientific and cooking processes sugar can be manipulated in shape, size, color, density etc. This entire scene was constructed by a talented pastry chef. In the heat it will slowly melt and caramelize and be reduced to a goopy mess. All in life is temporary. Remember energy can be neither created nor destroyed, merely transformed. The carbon atoms of our body are only temporarily shaped as people. YOU are a temporary state of being. Embrace it, enjoy it, while you can. As we all shall return from whence we came. Gaze upon this frozen moment of time and the beauty of it's being, existing in a relative flash between states of being. Entropy is the only constant. Because sugars burn easily when exposed to flame, the handling of sugars risks dust explosion. The risk of explosion is higher when the sugar has been milled to superfine texture. Find the balance my friend, that is the trick in all things. Best of luck to you.