A Chapter Unwritten

For some, a prologue. For some, an epilogue. – Mihail Bulgakov

Life has a way of weaving different stories for each of us, and sometimes, what feels like the beginning for one person may be the end for another.

We often think in terms of beginnings and endings — chasing new starts or fearing the moment something is over. But maybe, these aren’t fixed points. Maybe what feels like an end to you is the beginning of something you’ve yet to see. And what feels like a fresh start for someone else might be the closing chapter of their story.

In relationships, in work, in life, we are all living through different pages of our own narrative. It’s easy to look at someone and feel like they’re ahead or behind, to feel like your story is unfolding in the wrong way, or that you’re out of sync with the world around you.

But the truth is, we’re all in different places — and that’s okay. That’s the beauty of it.

Some days will feel like an epilogue, a quiet ending to something you weren’t ready to let go of. But just as often, you’ll find yourself standing at the edge of a prologue, ready to step into the unknown, not realizing yet that the best chapters are still waiting to be written.

So when you feel lost in your story, when you’re not sure if you’re at the beginning or the end, remember: everyone’s journey is different.

For some, a prologue. For some, an epilogue.

And for you, this moment — whether it feels like an ending or a beginning — is just another part of the beautiful, unpredictable, ongoing story that is yours.🌹