The Silent Strength Within

We all have that someone — or we think we do.

They’re the person who gives you space to be exactly who you are. No judgment. No pretense. Just you.

Your hoa is more than a best friend. They’re a giggle buddy, a shoulder to ugly cry on, the one who can hold a conversation without ever speaking a word.

They’re there through the highs and lows, the soul who sees the messiest, most vulnerable parts of you and never flinches.

It’s like they were chosen for you, like family — but not the kind you’re born into, the kind you find, or maybe the kind you become.

But here’s the thing: as much as we crave this hoa in our lives, the truth is that most of the time, the one person who is truly always there is… you.

You are your own hoa.

You know your darkest thoughts, your deepest fears, the dreams you never speak aloud. You sit with yourself in silence when no one else is around. You pick yourself up when you fall, even when it feels like you can’t take another step.

Sometimes, we forget that we are the ones who replenish our own spirit. We are the ones who carry ourselves through the storms.

And while having a hoa in the world is a gift, perhaps the greatest gift is realizing that we are already the hoawe’ve been searching for.

So, ask yourself: Who is my hoa?

And if you can’t name anyone, maybe it’s time to recognize that you’ve always been that person for yourself — a silent, unwavering companion.

Don’t forget to show yourself the love, the grace, and the kindness you deserve.

Because sometimes, you are all you need.🌹