
4-4-24 MUTUALS 001 @ Hart Bar, NYC (MAX, SQUIBS, DJ-SUN)

4/4/24 marked the first edition of MUTUALS -- a party by your mutual friends Max (musicdj102@aol.com) and Squibs (Squibs).

Joined by guest DJs DJ-Sun and Mikuro's Blues, the night progressed to an all out celebration of Squibs' birthday and a massive reunion of artist/NFT friends traveling from all over the world.

About 150 attendees danced into the morning to a variety of upbeat, danceable music, weaving in and out of house, garage, jungle, hip hop, and beyond.

So much fun was had, Hart Bar asked us to extend to nearly 3AM. Thanks to everyone for making this a night to remember and immortalize on the blockchain 4evaaa. We decided to record from about 11pm on field recording style to capture the magic of the room that night and discover sounds and tender moments from your mutuals.