Week 2: Refine + Record

Week 2 ! The Songcamp squad is fucking with the squeak hella ! These visuals are gonna be epic ! Alvaro wrote a catchy K-Pop-inspired hook; dropped a dope Verse 2 flow ! I tweaked the lyrics, inspired by my recurring dreams of breathing underwater ! Brij sent over a clean af arrangement, with some sneak-attack jazzy chords in the outro ! Josh Eastman + I had our final session at the Helm, wrapping up my year-long grant-supplied studio time with him at The Beaumont ! End of an era, beginning of a new one ! Recorded, tuned, and reference-mixed the vocals in under 3 hours ! Stellar timing, this is flow baby ! We have survived eclipse #1 ! Let’s get this money ! Let’s build this community ! Let’s make this art !!!