09 Collecting Art With Friends — Nicolas Sassoon, Sam Mason de Caires

Nicolas Sassoon is a Franco-Canadian artist using early computer graphics to create a wide array of pixelated forms, patterns & architectural structures. His works are published on SuperRare, Foundation, and Objkt, having been collected by some of the most notable NFT collectors in the space.

Sam Mason de Caires is an engineer who’s into generative art. Presently at Syndicate, and previously at Foundation and Rainbow. Along with their friends Tim Smith and FEELS, they are a collective who are collecting art together as a DAO.

We talk about art and the web3 space. About Nicolas’ artistic practice and how he makes his works. How technology is enabling new ways to create, collect, and support artistic expression. And what kinds of NFTs Sam and Nicolas are interested in for Gossamer.

notes ~ https://ufo.mirror.xyz/uLYE8McPCQg6pPKa2Lp5L1nlHzYuyTf5pU2IhjziGeA