KAGA HIGASHITANI [a day in a mountain village]

An optional part of the residency experience was traveling to a mountain village outside of Kaga City called Ohzuchi. The man who resides in the village is the one of the last members of his family who owned the area.

[in the gif you'll notice some tombs, that's a graveyard of his family ancestry]

At the time of taking these photos, he returned to the village 6 years prior with his mom to provide upkeep and preservation of this land. The company he worked for Nicce, worked with him and members of the Japanese government to formally recognize the Ohzuchi area as an Historic District so that he can continue to improve the area and continue hosting the same tour we were part of.

For some added context, the tour was done in two parts. You could opt to go on a hunt for wild boar or you can forage the area for rice, vegetables, and herbs and prep them for a stew. I chose to stick around for the foraging so I can take in the sights a bit more (and taste the food being prepped).