

Please visit the main collection page here:→ Proof of life (continued...)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Documented: Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 6:24 PM (CMT)


If you’ve been following this out of character public documentation of the hardships usually kept private and used for fuel for Art then you probably already understand the context of this artifact.
(TDLR: Summery - 2017 moved into a house in Tampa Bay, Infested with black mold the entire time through July 2020. Pandemic Pivot, Family Duty… Changed Course and instead of moving back to NY or Los Angeles, Was asked to move in with my 90+ Grandma as she was alone after losing both my grandfather & mother back to back all in that tiny apartment. July 2020, I put most of my stuff in storage (supposed to be short term) and moved what I could fit and be productive into the cursed 10x12 room I spent a decade trying to get my mother to leave. Time passed, my health got drastically worst. Turns out this apartment had been incubating mold for 20 years to the point it wiped nearly my entire family out. Nov 3rd, The cursed apartment claimed my Nana. Friends & Loved ones banned together to create 🔗passthedutch.org 🔗
A compilation tape featuring some of the dopest music from the dopest producers & also created a go-fund to get me out of that death trap. The Go-fund me didn’t reach the goal, and the costs to pull of cross country relocation of this scale far far exceeds that goal anyway. Either way, Eternally grateful for spirit boon and aid and compassion. With the help of a very special music nerd that wouldn’t allow me to just roll over and give up, I was able to pull off this seemingly impossible relocation. 🫂
Now the immediate context: I just relocated all my belongings across country. Everything I own has been absorbing and infested with those toxic spores. So step one. I purchased an Ozone machine to suck out all oxygen and kill all living organisms / bacteria. This will take multiple sessions, being I need to unpack and expose all of belongings, then after that. Will have to carefully wipe and sanitize everything before I even think about setting up my house and settling in or I risk being in the same toxic mold prison again Hahaha.
I’m so so exhausted…. I just want to focus on creative projects, past due ones, new ones, but an unhealthy Dutch can’t be something I just quietly suffer through for the sake of consistency being artistically productive. I mean…. I’ve been consistent since the mid 90’s.
I hope grace is shown, and what I’ve already put out into the world up until now is still valued and appreciated while I do my best to get my health back on track so I can continue to create tiny ripples & push culture forward and lift those around me for a very long time.
To be continued…