"Already Been" (Put In Work) [ re-imagined w.i.p. ]

Please visit the main collection page here:→ Proof of life (continued...)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Audio Created: 4/04/24
Video Captured: 4/05/24

🎹Produced by: Dutchyyy
🥁Drum Assistance by: thxk_u


The homie thxk_u came over for brief "Ableton Workflow, The Dutchyyy way" training session.

It just so happened to fall on #404day which if you aren't familiar is a day dedicated to the Roland SP-404 which the goat Dibia$e basically spearheaded along side Nassirah


So while trying to find a sample to use for the training session, I thought of my favorite Dibia$e track 🔗"Put in work"🔗 and said "Man I wish we had the original Sample Dibi used" and thxk_u suggested looking it up. Oddly way easier than expected... (whosampled is the feds) So, I found the sample on youtube, said "nope, I wanna buy the high quality version" wasted like 20 minutes trying to find it on amazon, Purchased the full album... loaded up the sample and began the lesson...


Unfortunately thxk_u had to leave for work, so all we got to do was him quickly laying down drums, and me one take, blind chopping the sample in 3 separate takes.... only 2 of those takes are in this video....


Will I continue working on and refining it? 🤷‍♂️ you tell me in the comments... it's fate is your hands.


💽🔗#404day 2020 1/1 Audio via Catalog Works🔗
📼🔗#404day 2020 1/1 Video via Foundation🔗