
"Super Collecting Music Nerds" f/ cxy

Please visit the main collection page here:→ Proof of life (continued...)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Captured April 25th, 2024 at 6:31am (cst) somewhere in the desert 🏜️by Dutch.

The final moments of a brief but cherished visit from the #MusicNerd himself, cxy.

Super early morning, half asleep Dutchyyy walking cxy to his uber to catch his flight to his next destination. I don't have many irl human interactions these days but even when I was traversing state to state being a social butterfly, i've never really been one to be distracted or pulled out of the moment by touching my phone.

For a visit where the foundation of that visit was centered around "The Art of Documenting and Worldbuilding" I didn't realize until the very last moment of that visit that I never documented any photo or video proof of life myself haha. Thankfully, cxy snuck some photos in and sent them to me to document. To be continued...

Get to know "Cxy" below.
The More You Know 🌈

🔗"Music Nerd" (Evolving Portals) f/ cxy🔗

🔗Productizing Patronage: Vol.1🔗

🔗Productizing Patronage: Vol.2🔗

