
"CONTINUE!!!" (Like This...)

PLEASE EXPAND FOR FULL CONTEXT (this may be the last artifact documented on zora for a while)

Infinite gratitude to Cxy for putting quarters in the machine while I was out of HP, out of healing potions and out of lives...

Sounds dramatic right? You need context?

🔗"I WANT TO LIVE" (Continue?..)🔗

After you've absorbed the context above, the deeper context exist below:

🔗 The Reluctant Clap (Daily Rambles) Tascam Freestyles [2015-2022] - Executive Produced by C.Y. Lee @cxy.eth 🔗

If you ever see me on the timeline, taking the direction of apps, platforms, and internet in general way more serious and less forgiving than most. It helps to understand context and nuance, the problem with this though is that every digital place we turn, the spaces we have to share and communicate are being optimized for less intentional interactions, sacrificing meaningful human experience and connection in attempts to scale by trying to encourage, less intentional, highly disposable daily activity and the reason why this isn't something I can't help loudly push back on with everything I have was ironically already documented. The Context exists.... It all exists buried in this collection, unfortunately... Not many take the time to dig through previous artifacts, deep dive full collections... Discovery is broken, and it's hard to justify sharing level of meaningful life events further on platforms that proved they can't be trusted to not change everything without notice... and if you absorbed all previous context, you'd understand my urgency for permanence up to this point.

The issue is, I want to keep documenting. I have a lot more to share, I began documenting here specifically because it didn't feel as disposable and inconsistent as legacy social.... The type of stuff I want to share is special to me, I'm not interested in participating in another version of I.G. I don't care about "earning", I care about meaningful connections formed through organic discovery and shared interest.

For the first time in a decade, I have been giving a fighting chance to possibly course correct my critical health issues... This was only made possible due to the right people being able to absorb context and backstories attached to 1/1 music on Catalog Works

🔗Dutchyyy 1/1's🔗
🔗Dutchmassive 1/1's🔗

and meeting those people is what encouraged me to keep documenting on Zora & Foundation.

Do you understand?

Because of the availability to escape legacy social and document with context without algorithms, I'm able to get a very complicated and risky jaw surgery done on September 25th, 2024 that has made life unbearable...

I'm so so so grateful, you have no idea...
and it's still hard for me to be at peace because if I was one of the most consistent and prolific artists documenting via blockchain while I was barely clinging onto life for 4 years, Imagine the magic a healthy Dutch will be able to pull off...

I'm just a single person, the world doesn't revolve around me and I understand that. But this digital world is in a very bad spot in time, it hurts to see the places I believed in, that made even the possibility of me healing pivot to a model everyone here tried to escape.

The next 4-6 months, I'll be doing my best to heal and return to baseline normal human health, I need my spirit in tact for that to happen, which means I need to step away from showing up and participating in places that don't appreciate or respect my voice. I will keep documenting privately and hope i return to the magic I once knew.

Peace Peace.

<3 Dutchyyy

Please visit the main collection page here:→ Proof of life (continued...)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.