
Trial by Firaga

Please visit the main collection page here:โ†’ Proof of life (continued...)โ† to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Not the most conventional use case of documenting on chain huh? ๐Ÿ“


Reality is, Life... whether you're an artist, consumer, collector or just a human existing isn't a road pathed with curated wins. There's a fine line between brand risk behavior and wearing your heart on your sleeve at the risk and creating parasocial dynamics. Thankfully, I am not a brand and if I were to be boxed into that label, wearing my heart (even broken) on my sleeve, being transparent and without a filter would be very "on brand" for me.


What's the context / Backstory behind this artifact? What purpose does it serve in the grand scheme of world building?
Well, The context leading up to this and why it's a significant artifact to document already exists on chain. Scattered across multiple platforms and multiple artifacts. This time, I'm not making it easy and pointing you to it.


I will add context in the future explaining how traumatic, unfair and unbearable this last year existing in the "10x12" has been. For now, I'll just say... I'm trying my hardest, i'm not giving up and I hope to be able to document some inspiration on the other side of all this madness.




"Send me an Angel..... Send me Angel........Right Now...... Right Noooow" ๐Ÿšฒ