Lost at “The Park”

Early / Mid 2023 I began my remix for @thepark , Like all my sessions I ended up with hours of experimental live recorded audio before actually focusing on creating something intentional & focused. Unfortunately due to reasons which were documented in the Proof of Life (Continued…) collection, I got pulled away from music for a bit. I have so much unfinished / unreleased music backed up in the pipeline, but music doesn’t seem to have much value of attention anywhere we release it these days. So where we as musicians put our time and energy is all over the place focused on the non creative parts of the process.

Challenge number 1: will this post even be seen?

Challenge number 2: will anyone even see or read a long description?

Challenge number 3: If so, do those on Zora care whether this ever is finalized and released or doomed to vault?

Carrot or stick?

Fate is in your hands… and mine haha

Let’s experiment with the value of music, attention & this app.

🫂 Love Dutchyyy

“Happy Friday”