2 Year Anniversary on Zora post.

2 years ago on thanksgiving 2022, I minted my first artifact on Zora, A song I created on thanksgiving in 2018. A free mint that was open until December 1st. 101 Editions were collected before it ended. In December I followed it up with an hour long audio version of me revisiting that same songs project file and creating something new in realtime “Surprise Canyon Jacuzzi” (Evolving Portals). 42 Editions, 6 were collected. While this Erc-721 doesn’t show on the zora app, you can still scroll to bottom of my profile on web & listen / collect.

If just one person that see’s this, actually takes time to search for that rare long form audio edition minted on main-net & collects it. I will finally mint the full 16x9 video version of it being created in real time, with perfect audio (since this was live streamed at the time)

I’m Thankful for Art, Music & all the people I’ve connected with because of it.

Taking, Thanks.

<3 Dutchyyy