Now Playing: BuuGee “Nihil” ✊
2 AM IMPROMPTU real time Moment Capture. Playing Tetris with Furniture, Calculating Light Balance, Camera placements, Speaker Optimization, Functionality, Comfort (impossible) & Aesthetic. When you see that PeacePeaceGawd Went Live Notification, Be kind & remember Dutchyyy got a 90 year old Spine, So if you see him chopping samples laying sideways kinda zesty, refresh that empathy cus the gravity here is heavy.
It’s been many moons since we connected mid session. Distracted, forgetting chat evolving portals taking questions.
You remember the ethos? Zero schedule, 16 hr streams but no consistency. Special portals open randomly it’s difficult to visit me.
Hold tight.
Out of my mind, Just in time..
Reticulating Splines