What’s the f***ing point anymore of followers!?! [READ DESCRIPTI...

everyone hates the web2 online experience post chronological, realtime, follower feeds.

SoundCloud added the repost which immediately abused, burying the people you want to see, de-incentivizing following new people & eventually logging on period.

Facebook… who cares about Facebook, but at the same time Twitter followed suit, Very unenjoyable, super negative, highly reactive, super manipulated.

Spotify ruined music value period, you’re a lazy consumer but I get it even though I don’t participate , Tik Tok ruined the rest of social media trying to compete. Ironic its claim to fame is “The brain rot app”. The battle for attention & keeping people in the app with algorithms that reward tabloid bait or super plastic performative behavior. Algorithms being used as an excuse to “serve better ads”

In Step web3, the mission statement to be cure to meaningless, predatory & manipulative legacy statement (No Really, Wayback machine that sh*t & check for yourself)

As a power user as both an artist & collector I was actually enjoying the internet again. I followed who I wanted to see, Never missed what they uploaded/minted & would treat these platforms like smart fans, DJ’s treated the SoundCloud likes, digging through who others followed to see if there would be things I’d want to collect. If I would have been forced to see everything the artist I liked also liked unprompted, it was discourage me following that artist.

Ask yourself, Why did both Zora & Rodeo pivot and purposely not build the easiest and most useful feature. A feed to see only what your followers upload? Not even as a secondary option, just flat out refuse to incorporate it?

The answer: because barely any real humans exist on these apps, that feed would be a flashlight shining on how little real activity there is. Instead creating a system that force feeds you “curation” of a few popular people, mixed with low effort slop of the majority of fake / bot accounts created to fake those volume / activity numbers to secure the next round of funding.

Web2 is hell, web3 turned hell monetized, rich get richer, and those around who aren’t even sweating the “earn” aspect of web3 getting random batch mints occasionally from a bunch of fake accounts with no following, no consistency in what the collect and the most active artists and people I know on these platforms the past few years are posting meaningful things (for free at this point) and not even reaching the people who would actually want to see / collect.

How do you live with yourself building this experience? How do you live with yourself passively standing by as an artist / collector who’s been here for years and not speak the f*** up?

I feel like no takes how unhealthy these systems are serious & it’s gonna take someone who dedicated their life to creating, sharing, collecting, supporting & sharing to share themselves reach the breaking point of losing purpose & the ability to form meaningful connections online to live stream themselves hanging themselves with their phone in hand to mint those final seconds.

Investigating reporting that digs on chain to find the cause.

cus ya’ll ain’t taking losing human connecting and the end of meaningful experiences serious enough.

The last meme.
