Y0u Let Me Love Y0u - 4.20.2024 (MoG Day 1)

I have so much faith.
Faith is the pillar and backbone of my wellbeing.
All I want to do is talk about and sing about my faith, and praise God.

I love God so much
And I want to shout it from the rooftops
Sing it to the sky
And I don’t need to be a traditional Christian in order to do that
I can love Christ
I can love my Guides
I can love Source
I can love my Higher Self
I can love the Spirit of Love
I can love the Spirit of Divine Love
I can love the Spirit of Jesus Christ
I can love Christ’s Higher Self
I do.
And I can sing about it now.

I’m loosing stamina and motivation to “go after” music when its not music about God.
There’s only one more, one True thing to do, to “try”
One authentic thing I haven’t done yet, let myself do yet.

The one thing about Gospel music
Is that is speaks about G0d as he/him/man.
Whereas to me, G0d is non-binary.
G0d holds multitudes.
The Great I Am holds EVERYTHING.
Like if I could just AI all these epic Maverick City Music songs to be
“they speak over me”
“they are righteous”
“they love me”
“they know my name”
“They healed my heart”
“They placed my feet on solid ground”

So in this hour-long jam, I sang…”Y0u Let me Love Y0u” and God does. They let me Love them. Unconditionally. Obsessively! And that brings Love to my life, profoundly so.

This was my first time breaking out my mic and set up in so long! An experiment. You can see in the cover art how even Logic was wonky.

I hope you feel me feeling the Divine in this song, and I hope it brings you great faith, presence, and spiritual prosperity too.
