

543 days to unwind the hope of an idea. To get to a starting point of substance. It is crazy, not just seeming to be crazy. Yet I don't know how to be anything other than me.

There have been many opportunities put in front of me over the last couple of years. Conversations in rooms I would've never guessed I'd be privileged enough to attend. And in each of those moments the things that matter to me tend to resurface in my mind.

When I discovered 'web3' my intuition started screaming at me. "There is something life changing here for creatives, for the untraditional, for those with high agency."

Art3 Lotus - a play on the term web3 and my personal definition of 'art being any creation endeavor'. It felt like 'it', but it wasn't.

Then came 'hypercultures', closer but still too broad. Then the 'hyperstack', a more comprehensive illustration indeed.

Then I went on podcasts and used the opportunity to refine and stress test the thinking. Something of substance had been found but my intuition still felt a deep longing.

This month I randomly illustrated a 'hypersphere' - my personal creative circadian. And then I had a flash of insight on a better articulation of 'the spectrum'. Dominoes were in flow; leading to a graphic of 'constraints'.

When I sat in front of my figma files today to work on Zaibs I realized "holy shit I think I found all the starting puzzle pieces I needed back then."

So much work. And good work begets more good work. This is a small celebration though. From me to me.

It's only crazy until you've got something innit.