

Abhayamudrā is a mudrā that represents protection, peace, benevolence and the dispelling of fear. It is the gesture of fearlessness.

Audiovisual language is the way I found to connect with the world around me. These two analog cameras were and are the bridge between my inner world and the outer world. With them I learned to look, to fail, to be surprised, I found friends, I discovered love and I got to know magical places.

Technique: animation made from scanner photographs and small orbs of analog photographs.

Featuring: Nikon Fm, Voigtlander Bessamatic CS, Epson V600 and my right hand.

Format: Gif 1920x1080 pixels, 36 frames

This piece was made in community and collaboration as a part of the NewtroArts’ "0272" collective drop on the Zora network. Newtro is a community of artists and cultural managers aiming to provide education, tools and activations for latin american artists on the blockchain.