Reality Glitch

Violet 01

Violet 01 is an exploration of different textures both visually, aurally, and spatially. I implore you to take a deep breath from your nose, and exhale through your nose. Empty your mind and just observe, and listen. Take in all of the different textures, the crispness, the fuzziness, the crests and the troughs. Both in the sound and the visuals. The darkness at the end is left intentionally for contemplation.

Our life is full of different textures each one contributing to the intricate tapestry of our existence. As we settle into this moment of visual meditation, let your awareness gently traverse the visual landscape that is in front of you.
Observe the varied textures and colors that dance before your eyes. The softness of a delicate flower petal– let these visual textures anchor you in the present, inviting a sense of gratitude for the richness of the world around you.

Now, shift your focus to the auditory textures that envelop your being. Close your eyes and listen intently to the symphony of sounds that grace the present moment. allow the auditory textures to weave a harmonious tapestry. Embrace the subtle variations in tone, pitch, and rhythm, letting the auditory landscape guide you into a state of deep tranquility. In the convergence of visual and auditory textures, find unity and stillness, a serene sanctuary within the vibrant fabric of the present.

Once you come back from this experience, contemplate on both the voluntary and the involuntary parts of your day that is convoluted by noise, and what you can do in order to get away from the noise, even for a couple minutes inside your brain.

Made using After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and Touch Designer.

Music made by using a Launchpad.