
My Truth, My Vision, My Art

This is the final piece of my project titled My Truth, My Vision, My Art, where I was able to share my work from the last four years as a diary of the past six months, from the beginning of autumn to the start of spring. 138 images, videos, gifs, and sounds were revisited, rethought, and recorded according to the weather, context, emotion, and tone of the moment, guided by the color wheel and experienced in a human way.

The process of sharing, intimacy, and knowledge that I have lived and continue to live will now move on from here to somewhere else. I let it end so that I can create something new. I offer this as a warm celebration of life and its strength. The stories I told in parts cannot be contained within my words. My story here was beautiful. Thank you for collecting, thank you for seeing me, thank you for your faith.

Each fragment is unique, each registered copy will last an eternity until its own end. I let them go, live, and die so they can be reborn somewhere else. I hope these words find you well. I hope we can create new diaries, new conversations, and new experiences on a new day.

All paths are your path.