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Non-Fungible Tokens and Fine Arts (The Potential and Risks of Bl...

“This research aims to understand what are NFTs, their possibilities of use, and
what changes they bring into culture and society, exploring use cases, its history,
community around them, major issues, and positive innovations. For that, an NFT
collection will be built, diving into Web3 technology by a practice-based approach,
working with Web3 tools, generating art and digital tokens, while also searching for
relevant books, articles, interviews, and links. Using artistic and computational skills,
integrating NFTs into an artistic workflow, with the intention of creating pieces of art
that will be transformed into NFTs. It's important to mention that the technologies
described in this research are relatively new and experimental, so there are some
risks involved in using them, it's up to each one to learn consistently about them
before, and then decide if it's worth it to try it or not. The NFT collection built for this
research was made using experimental pieces of software, that might not function
properly as intended, and might even become obsolete in the future, so it’s advised
to use them at your own risk.”