rhizome forever party artwork by Brian Mark

The Rhizome Forever party is simultaneously cybernetic and organic; a reflection of realities possible when gathering bodies, colors, lasers, sensors, screens, and slime. Traversing between sound art, improvisation, and noise by way of cross-genre manipulation, you’ll find glimpses of this night later commodified into smaller, compressed, and digitally consumable forms. However, these acts are best experienced IRL and by a collective audience in their entirety.

Look out for Puerto Rican experimental puppetry troupe, Poncili Creación, Swiss collective Young Boy Dancing Group, a group consisting of 2023 Microgrant Recipients, elekhlekha อีเหละเขละขละ will be presenting 'Jitr จิตร: extended gong ensemble', an installation by Laser Days, and a set by the co-founder Discwoman, UMFANG.