"Life isn't a game, it's a series of games." Since I heard it I've felt it deeply in my gut. People also like to paint 'Life' in the skin of a marathon. And in this manner, I equate calendar years to a hybrid of basketball quarters, rounds in a fight, and a marathon. Today I very much feel like I finished the marathon 'early'. Earlier than I expected is probably more aptly descriptive. The past weekend felt like I was standing around at the finish line, adrenaline still peaking, fool-heartedly ready to run another one as I mistook the adrenal rush for boundless energy. Thankfully I made that mistake years prior. So here I sit, at my desk getting this daily note out, icing my chafed nipples, taking my wet socks off, eating some cookies. Got a couple weeks to recover before we go again, because... it's a series of games.

"Life isn't a game, it's a series of games." Si...
