There's this mental model I often feel holds quite true. Think of a circle almost fully looped. In the manner of a horseshoe, but much less distance between ends closing on each other. Clockwise or counter-clockwise makes no difference in the model. Just that you start at one point and 'walk' the circumference to the other end. You end near your starting point. And in the common use of this model, it's used to illustrate the similarities between 'opposing' positions. But I like it for personal understandings. There are a couple nuances to this variant of the model: 1. You factor in what 'walking the circumference' signifies 2. You factor in the one-way nature from start to finish In this model I often feel that my intuitions (starting point) are a few degrees off. And those few degrees are only acquired through 'walking the circumference'. It's not until I get to look at my intuitions from close, but not on top, that I feel a more mature understanding of the initial [thing]. Have had a few walks compound on top of each other during this eoy break. Excited for 2024.

There's this mental model I often feel holds qu...
