While I certainly see the merit of some degenerate criticism. It's odd, in my opinion, to see such rage toward bear market survivors taking their opportunity to make money. For two years this group has suffered together, improving the tech, building new toys, expanding the fundamental thesis. Might I also add, at nearly -90-95% losses on speculative investments compared to the bull. While the corpo-politico machine shat on and kicked us for ad rev whenever possible. Now the sun is starting to shine, experience has been gained, fun is being had. Sure, there are sore winners and losers like any sporting event. But it continues to amaze me how fickle the human psyche can be when funneled into third-party content algorithms. People make different choices. People have different values. People respond to different stimulus. All because people...have lived and continue to live different lives. As far as I can tell, this diversity is integral to the human experience.

While I certainly see the merit of some degener...
