
Is it Tuesday again?

Wessel ‘24

The wild spins and turns of my everyday inform the underbelly of what goes into each of these pieces. The directions I go, informed by my feelings and expressed by a growing catalog of what I feel are language elements of my art, more understandable and identifiable concepts found repeating in different ways so as to build an understanding of my intentions.

I take a deep breath and try to just feel…there are always strong chords that resonate if I’m listening. Lately, as this collection shows through lots of red and yellows dominating under/over tenuous structures of white and black, balanced by bits of blue…things have been very difficult, as the tone of this book up to this point I hope makes clear. And, that dominate feeling I hope makes itself known, if not through the works, but between the combination of the piece and its title.

Yet, there are calm…calm’ish moments along the path of this chapter that despite the apparent chaos, a deeper pause sits within. This is one of them.

Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3
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