
Through the gateways that have opened up do I step into another world.

Wessel ‘24

The process. Tell me what it is. Seriously. There’s this door I see in front of me that never seems to get closer. Wait, what’s this you’re saying…? All these steps, that’s what up? Wtf are you talking about? Stepping through is just bullshit? It’s about paying attention? Sorry, I can’t hear you over all this noise? What was that again?

I’ve been so focused on all these things without actually seeing. Caught in all those spirals and loops.

Late night looking through some pieces meant for this volume, a new song luring me to dance again with it. But, wasn’t it done? Or was it? What are those rules I keep on throwing up in front of myself. So many of them. Walls, thrown up to stop myself, why do I need any enemies when I’ve got myself? If I just tried…

Maybe I’m already through the gate and I just need to catch up with that fact.

I’m already doing.

Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3

More art at Iamwessel.com